When you have finished writing your article make sure that
you proof read it at least twice, then set it aside for a day
or two, so that you can go over it again when you are in a
different frame of mind. That way you can view it as though
you were the reader and this can help you to get a better
If you would like a second opinion ask a family or friend to
read through it and see if they suggest any changes. There are
also services that will proof read your articles for you.
Try doing a search for "article proofreading service" and
you will find several.
Remember, if you have any questions I will be glad to help.
So you have finished your article, now it's time to make
the most out of it.
You don't want to waste all of your hard work by just
submitting it to one directory. You will want to submit
it to as many directories as possible.
You can do this yourself or you can spend a few dollars on
an article submission service or software that will submit
your article to multiple directories at the same time.
By submitting to more than one directory you can get better
results from your article, because it will be seen by many
more readers.
Let's talk about spell checking software.
After you run your spell checking software, it is a good idea
to go back and reread your article again.
Unfortunately your spell checker is not perfect and can lead
to unexpected errors. For example, the words "form" and "from"
are both legitimate words. But if you wrote an article that
said, "Take fifty FORM your advertising budget and use it
to place an ad" your spell check wouldn't see anything wrong.
It doesn't know that you meant "take fifty FROM your
advertising budget and use it to place an ad". Spell checkers
are convenient, but they are not always perfect. That is why
it is important to read through your article at least once
after you spell check it.
I hope your article writing is progressing nicely.
Let's talk about using articles to promote your business.
Writing articles to promote your product or service is a
great way to increase your sales. When you are writing to
promote something you must first ask yourself several
questions, so you don't write an article and then have
to figure out how you can relate it to your business.
Determine what you want to promote. How you want to promote
it and then you can begin to write your article.
The basics in writing the article are much the same, no matter
how you plan to use it. It should be written to present the
positive attributes of your product or service without being
obvious or making it sound like a sales pitch.
Remember readers are looking for information because they want
to learn something. If you provide them with good information
they will be more likely to click on your link and see what
else you have to offer.
I hope you found that tip helpful and don't forget if you
have any questions let me know.
Have a great day,
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