Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Ivy League,landscape ,landscape ,Rose,Tomatoes,gardener,spring solstice ,Sunflowers

Lifes a Beach--A Shore Theme in your Outdoor Space

Twentieth century American architect Phillip Johnson once said, "I hate vacations. If you can build buildings, why sit on the beach?" Mr. Johnson evidently didn't how to relax, but as another summer is slipping away, you can. Did you visit the beach this year? Do you wish you had? Either way, you can create a seaside feel in your outdoor space and enjoy memories of the shore at home! Here are some quick tips.
ColorYour choice of color will be the biggest stress-reliever in your home "beach." The relaxing hues of the beach are sun-bleached and sand- and water-washed. Think cool and inviting water, lapping on the shore; the pale sand underfoot; the tall pale green beach grasses; the pale pink and coral of shells; the white clouds in a the blue sky.
For your blue, try Kelly Moore's Essence of the Sea or Sail Away, Beauti-tone's French Blue, or Benjamin Moore's Robin's Egg.
If you prefer brighter colors use bright pink or orange, especially in striped fabric or small accessories such candles.
FurnitureThe beach calls for casual wooden seating. Try folding wooden chairs with colorful striped canvas slings, set under a pale colored canvas umbrella that you've propped in a large bucket of sand.
FabricWhat do you take to the beach? Canvas tote bags, terry towels and flip-flops. Use these fabrics for cushions, throws and the seating itself. Install decorative hooks on a wall, and hang beach towels as "art."
MotifsMany beach goers return home with a collection of shells, beach rocks and smooth bits of colored glass. If you have such a collection, use them to good effect in your outdoor space. Clean up your treasures by running them through a cycle of the dishwasher in the utensil basket. You can also rub baby oil into rocks to bring out the shine that you saw under the beach sun.
The most obvious way to display your shells and pebbles is in a clear glass dish or jar, or a flat plate. Try filling a saucer with them and inserting a votive candle. Or if the shells themselves are large enough, pour candle wax around a wick in the shell cavity itself. Shells can be used in attractive tic-tac-toe games, for stamping fabrics and many other purposes.
You can easily change the feel of your beach theme by the use of different motifs. Perch a sea-gull on a piece of driftwood draped with a piece of fisherman's net and use a lighthouse or two elsewhere in the space, and you'll be reminded of a coastal fishing village. Folding sling chairs, an umbrella and pots of beach grass give a recreational feel to your space. Or combine the lighthouses with sailboat silhouettes for a more urban shore look.
Whatever kind of shore you prefer, use these ideas to recreate it at home. Put on a recording of ocean waves lapping on the sand, kick off your shoes and enjoy the beach!
Debbie Rodgers, the haven maven, owns and operates Paradise Porch, and is dedicated to helping people create outdoor living spaces that nurture and enrich them. Her latest how-to guide "Attracting Butterflies to Your Home and Garden" is now available on her web site. Visit her at and get a free report on "Eight easy ways to create privacy in your outdoor space".
How to Attract Birds to Your Backyard Paradise For Less Than $100
Like many Americans, you may find bird watching to be a fascinating hobby. At the same time, perhaps you wonder how you can attract regular visitors to your yard without busting the bank by purchasing expensive foliage, feeders, and food.
The Ivy League
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Rose - The Flower oflandscape
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Fall Pond Cleaning
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Summer Pond Tips
Low Oxygen levels Kill FishUse an oxygen tester and air stones to keep your availableoxygen level to at least 7.0 parts per million of dissolvedoxygen in 90 degree F.
Fish Health in Hot Summer Heat
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Tips On Caring For Your Cut Flowers
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Tomatoes: History, Origin, Facts... or Fiction?
A tomato importer, John Nix, decided to challenge the law after scrutinizing the Tariff Act. His case relied on the fact that tomatoes were a fruit and not vegetable, therefore, it should not be subjected to the Tariff Act.
The Exotic Rose of Sharon
Perhaps you were browsing the pages of a catalog and found a beautiful picture of the Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus Sriacus)? Or maybe you were lucky enough to see a Rose of Sharon in person at a local garden center?Are you wondering whether these will make a beautiful addition to your home? Getting a little knowledge of these beautiful plants will allow you to make a decision.Although once somewhat uncommon, the Rose of Sharon has become a widely loved plant.
Hi there,I am Jhon Saunders and recently took up gardening as a hobby. i have managed to buy cheap gardening equipment and also items such as blubs, lights etc.
Agio Patio Furniture
The fresh air of the early spring solstice and the celebration song of the earth call us to leave the safety and comfort of our indoor winter haven. We venture forth to explore the new life that is springing up all around us, and habitually look for a place to relax and absorb the sounds and smells swirling through the air.
Secrets of Growing Killer Tomatoes
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Get your Garden Cooking with Friable Soil
Oh sure, fried green tomatoes are ok; but I'll take an extra helping of friable soil any day! This is the desire of any gardener who attempts to sink a shovel into the clay found in our area. Clay just does not make a great sandwich.

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