Sunday, August 14, 2011

Becoming An Instant Copywriting Genius

Copywriting Genius"

Copywriting is the ONE skill that will
turn words into cash, and it's really
the one thing you must learn if you're
thinking of selling anything at all.

From traditional direct mail and now to
the internet, the power of words has
already made millionaires out of
ordinary folks like you and me!

Successful copywriters know this.
That's why they charge exorbitant fees
for their services, which will no doubt
still be money well invested.

The good news is, you can have this
power too. You can write your own sales-
pulling copy everytime - if you know
the 'tricks'.

Well read on and I'll reveal to you 3
jealously-guarded tips that can turn
you into a copywriting genius quickly...

(1) Start A Sales Letter 'Swipe File'

Simply start collecting winning sales
letters AND emails into a 'swipe file'
that you can refer to for :

* Your own education

* As an 'idea generator' for your copy

* As inspiration and motivation

You'll find this 'swipe file'
invaluable to writing your own killer
copy. Successful copywriters literally
swear by this method in creating
awesome sales letters.

(2) Write As If You're Your Own Prospect

The real secret to copywriting genius
is to get into your propect's mind and
encourage action at will.

And the best way to do this is by
becoming your prospects!

Write your copy from their view and put
yourself in their shoes. Think like
them and you'll build a subconscious
rapport that wins them over.


your copy, ask questions
they would ask.

Write from the heart and answer these

Ask yourself too : "would YOU buy this
product yourself if you're reading the
copy you wrote?"

Identifying with your prospects must
begin right from the headline down to
the final P.S.

(3) Create The Achieved End Results

Here's a tip that works like crazy.

Create the actual OR perceived end
results write at the beginning of your
copy. Give specific details. Continue to
emphasize these results and benefits
throughout your letter.

Give a 'tangible' feel to what can be
achieve IF they buy, and what they'll
lose if they don't.

A simple example...

Don't write : "You'll receive unlimited
traffic to your website everyday!"

So? What does that achieve?

Write instead : "Generate 1000% more
traffic, subscribers AND sales with
less than 5 minutes work!"

This shows the end results more clearly.

Copywriting's easy if you know the
right techniques.

Apply the above 3 tips and you'll be
improving your own copy quickly ...
without spending hundreds of dollars or
hours on copywriting courses or ebooks.
Try it.

About the Author

Copyright (c) By Ewen Chia
Finally! Discover Web Marketing Secrets,
Tips And Resources In Less Than 30
Seconds And Without Spending A Single
--> P.S. More hard-hitting articles
can be found at


extra mile

can do with language. Like using special
terms or jargon used exclusively within a specific marketing niche.
Customers know immediately if you're "one of them." Jargon and
specialized knowledge help give them the clue for that.

There’s an awful lot you can do. And you’re really only limited
by that internal editor/critic. So the sooner you throw that
critic out the door, the better.

Also, when writing like you talk, you need to be able to keep a
warm tone. One way it’s put by sales professionals is to imagine
that you’re making “a referral to a friend” rather than making
“a sales pitch to a customer.” The examples you’ll usually hear
copywriting educators use for this are the kitchen table
conversation or the barstool conversation.

The best way to develop this warm tone is through identification.

Getting to really know your target market (or “tarket”, as
Lorrie Morgen-Ferrero calls it) allows you to identify
first-hand with their hopes, dreams, wants, and needs. This
comes from study and research, although a certain amount of
intuition comes in handy too.

You really do need to be able to put yourself into your
customer’s shoes in order to be a good salesperson, whether in
print or face-to-face. As the old saying goes, “Become your
customer.” They need to become real in your mind -- as real as
that person sitting across the kitchen table.

There are plenty of ways to identify with your customer or
prospect. Reading the trade journals or magazines they read is a
good place to start.

But what this skill really amounts to is empathy. Identification
and empathy are two peas in the pod.

In business, you develop empathy simply by putting your customer
first. By actually caring about your customer and making it your
avowed goal to help them. By going the extra mile to find out
what it is that keeps them awake at night. By becoming obsessed
(in a good way) with bringing them a product that will solve a
problem and make their life easier.

And by listening.

How do you listen to your customer when they're not there? The same
way you would if they were there. By asking a question. And then
listening for the answer. From inside you.

Whenever you write sales copy, you need to continually ask "So
what?" after every single sentence you write. The person sitting
across the kitchen table or next to you at the bar is a skeptic.
Which is normal and healthy!

By keeping your customer's possible objections in mind every
single minute you write, you establish a kind of dialogue. And
that's when your customer will really get pulled into your copy.
That's when they'll say, "Hey, she's talking to me!"

You'll be getting that empathy. And with it will come that warm,
familiar tone.

So practice writing like you talk, keeping in mind that you want
to be informal and familiar. Get to know your customer better so
you can identify better with them and build empathy.

Eventually you'll get "over the hump" and your "right" voice will
start to come naturally.

And that's when you'll start to see a steep rise in your sales

About the Author

Bruce Carlson is a freelance writer and educator living in Finland. Visit his website at and sign up for his newsletter The Dynamic Copywriter!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Monday, December 13, 2010

proof reading.

When you have finished writing your article make sure that

you proof read it at least twice, then set it aside for a day

or two, so that you can go over it again when you are in a

different frame of mind. That way you can view it as though

you were the reader and this can help you to get a better


If you would like a second opinion ask a family or friend to

read through it and see if they suggest any changes. There are

also services that will proof read your articles for you.

Try doing a search for "article proofreading service" and

you will find several.

Remember, if you have any questions I will be glad to help.

So you have finished your article, now it's time to make

the most out of it.

You don't want to waste all of your hard work by just

submitting it to one directory. You will want to submit

it to as many directories as possible.

You can do this yourself or you can spend a few dollars on

an article submission service or software that will submit

your article to multiple directories at the same time.

By submitting to more than one directory you can get better

results from your article, because it will be seen by many

more readers.

Let's talk about spell checking software.

After you run your spell checking software, it is a good idea

to go back and reread your article again.

Unfortunately your spell checker is not perfect and can lead

to unexpected errors. For example, the words "form" and "from"

are both legitimate words. But if you wrote an article that

said, "Take fifty FORM your advertising budget and use it

to place an ad" your spell check wouldn't see anything wrong.

It doesn't know that you meant "take fifty FROM your

advertising budget and use it to place an ad". Spell checkers

are convenient, but they are not always perfect. That is why

it is important to read through your article at least once

after you spell check it.

I hope your article writing is progressing nicely.

Let's talk about using articles to promote your business.

Writing articles to promote your product or service is a

great way to increase your sales. When you are writing to

promote something you must first ask yourself several

questions, so you don't write an article and then have

to figure out how you can relate it to your business.

Determine what you want to promote. How you want to promote

it and then you can begin to write your article.

The basics in writing the article are much the same, no matter

how you plan to use it. It should be written to present the

positive attributes of your product or service without being

obvious or making it sound like a sales pitch.

Remember readers are looking for information because they want

to learn something. If you provide them with good information

they will be more likely to click on your link and see what

else you have to offer.

I hope you found that tip helpful and don't forget if you

have any questions let me know.

Have a great day,

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In Kerala, based on management systems, sacred groves can be categorised into three groups namely those managed by individual families, by groups of families and by the statutory agencies for temple management (Devaswom Board). Ollur Kavu, S.N. Puram Kavu and Iringole Kavu which represent above mentioned management systems, respectively, were studied for their tree species composition and vegetation structure. The study was also designed to assess the strengths and weaknesses of present management systems and role of different stakeholder groups in conserving the sacred groves. Of the three sacred groves, the one managed by individual family (Ollur Kavu) is highly disturbed as indicated by low stem density of mature trees (367 ha−1) and poor regeneration potential with the ratio between mature trees and saplings is 1:0.4. In order to quantify the level of disturbance in these sacred groves, Ramakrishnan index of stand quality (RISQ) was calculated. The values obtained for all the three tree layers (i.e., mature trees, saplings and seedlings) in single family managed sacred grove (Ollur Kavu) was between 2.265 and 2.731, an indicator of the dominance of light demanding species in the population, suggested that the grove is highly disturbed one. Whereas, other two sacred groves are less disturbed as indicated by lower ‘RISQ' values (between 1.319 and 1.648). Iringole Kavu and S.N. Puram Kavu were compared with some other evergreen forests of the Western Ghats of India for the parameters like stem density, basal area and species diversity of trees (gbh≥10.1 cm). Values obtained for these parameters in the two sacred groves are within the range obtained for other forests. Stakeholder importance value index (SIVI) was calculated based on the attributes like the proximity of the stakeholder to the sacred grove, contribution of stakeholders in managing the sacred grove, benefits being enjoyed by the stakeholder due to involvement with sacred grove and attitude of the stakeholder group towards the conservation and management of sacred grove. This indicated that local people, temple trust and/ or sacred grove owners are the major stakeholders, while in general some other stakeholder groups such as youth clubs, schools, forest department, municipality and local Panchayat with lower SIVI are comparatively neutral in conserving and managing the groves

title="Wedding Invitations">Wedding Invitations